
About Us

As the name itself suggests- 'Shree Ram Shiv Adhyatmik Aashram' is solely committed to the Spiritual life and spiritual awakening. 

Shri Ramchandra Ji Maharaj's Mission


(O God! Bless me with the grace of Fazl Ahmad Khan,
For the sake of blessed Ramchandraji and Raghuvar Dayalji)

Shri Ramchandra Ji Maharaj's Mission (Pujy Sh. Lala Ji) started this mission to spread the teachings of his lord to everyone, so that everyone can be benifited with these all things what he was experiencing. 

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SAYING of Our Teacher's

“या इलाही फ़ज़्ल से दे मुझको फ़ज़्ले अहमदी,
राम फ़ज़्ली और रघुवर बा अता के वास्ते।”

“या इलाही फ़ज़्ल से दे मुझको फ़ज़्ले अहमदी,
राम फ़ज़्ली और रघुवर बा अता के वास्ते।”

“पीर से उल्फत हो मुझको, हूं फ़नाफिल शेख़ में,
पीरो मुर्शिद श्याम बिहारी रहनुमा के वास्ते।”

“या इलाही गर्क् हों सब दुनिया व दीं की हसरतें,
श्याम प्यारे राम लक्ष्मण और शिव के वास्ते।”

“या इलाही गर्क् हों सब दुनिया व दीं की हसरतें,
श्याम प्यारे राम लक्ष्मण और शिव के वास्ते।”

“या इलाही गर्क् हों सब दुनिया व दीं की हसरतें,
श्याम प्यारे राम लक्ष्मण और शिव के वास्ते।”

“या इलाही अपनी उल्फत से मुझे सरशार कर,
पारसा राजेन्द्र राणा रहनुमा के वास्ते।”


Marihan, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh


Uttar Pradesh is known as the place of sages. Buddha preached his first sermon in Sarnath in Uttar Pradesh and he breathed his last in Uttar Pradesh only. This state has been home to many saints and sages. There are many holy cities to visit in this state like Ayodhya, Varanasi and Sarnath. Mirzapur District is famous for the holy shrine of Vindhyachal, Ashtbhuja and Kali Kloh and it is also known for its carpets and brassware industries. It is in Mirzapur where the holy Ganges meets the Vindhya Range. Ganga Ghat is just a few Kilometers away from Marihan.


Mahatama Ji’s Last Traces:
 While Mahatma Ji were in his last days, one of his followers began weeping because his master was in so much pain. On observing his disciple crying due to his condition Mahatma Ji remarked- “It can be removed within minutes if I exercise myself, but I am not touching it because it is all His (God’s) will and we must abide it”. 

Activities At Ashram:
The spiritual and welfare-related programs are frequently organized. Plantation drives are organized to boost greenery and for the benefit of nature. Food is offered to those in need and along with that, there are many provisions for widows. Apart from this the daily Sadhna and Pooja are practiced in the Ashram premises.

Shree Ram Shiv Adhyatmik Aashram does not discriminate on any basis- be it religion, gender, caste, creed, race, or nationality. The Aashram is open to all without even a pinch of partial behavior. We strictly condemn the unholy acts. The Ashram is dedicated to Mahatma Ramachandra Ji, who were a disciplinarian, and we end to continue his legacy. 
